Visiting London?

Zetland & Hong Kong Lodge meets at Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London on the 1st Thursday of February, the 4th Monday of April, the 1st Monday of July and the 1st Monday of September (Installation) at around 5.00pm. The Festive Board is usually held at the ‘Prince of Wales’ in Drury Lane, almost next door to Freemasons’ Hall.
Zetland & Hong Kong Lodge No. 7665
Zetland & Hong Kong Lodge was consecrated in London in 1959 as a “home away from home” for Hong Kong Masons who were either visiting or had transferred or retired to the UK following service in Hong Kong.
The Lodge still retains that tradition with quite a number of its members still having a Hong Kong connection from all three home Constitutions. However, for many years there have been initiates and joining members with little or no connection to Hong Kong who have found great fellowship among our members and have continued through to the Chair of the Lodge.
Zetland & Hong Kong Lodge is also fortunate to receive at its Installation in September the District Grand Master for Hong Kong and the Far East and several other well-known Masonic figures.
The Lodge will be delighted to see you at any of its meetings and, who knows, you may end up joining like many of us did!

For further details please e-mail the Secretary of Zetland Lodge No. 525, W. Bro. Trevor Gray